Azerbaijan summons Spanish charge d’affaires over social media comment

Azerbaijan summons Spanish charge d’affaires over social media comment

‘It is incomprehensible that such a step would be taken by a country like Spain, which is fighting separatism in its own territory,’ says Foreign Ministry

By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) - Baku said Tuesday it summoned Spain’s charge d’affaires in Azerbaijan for a post shared by its Foreign Ministry on X that was later deleted.

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said Patricia Serrano Sanchez was informed that the promotion of the “illegal separatist regime” established by Armenia on the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan is “unacceptable.”

“It is incomprehensible that such a step would be taken by a country like Spain, which is fighting separatism in its own territory,” it said.

The “non-constructive approach” taken by Spain does not correspond to the spirit of bilateral relations and is strongly condemned by Azerbaijan, according to the statement.

“Spain's charge d'affaires said that his country continuously supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and that there has been no change in this position.

“The Spanish diplomat, who said that the X sharing was a technical error, pointed out that this sharing was deleted immediately after the Azerbaijani side expressed its concern,” said the statement.

It concluded that the Azerbaijani side expressed the importance of taking “appropriate measures” so that such situations do not happen again.

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