Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry awards Anadolu journalists

Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry awards Anadolu journalists

Ruslan Rehimov, Resul Rehimov among those awarded for their work during 2nd Karabakh War

By Tolga Ozgenc

BAKU, Azerbaijan (AA) – Anadolu journalists in Azerbaijan were awarded the "Fahri Ferman," a certificate of high honor, by the country's Defense Minister for their work.

During an event on the occasion of the 148th anniversary of the Azerbaijani press in the capital Baku, Anadolu correspondents Ruslan Rehimov and Resul Rehimov were given the awards by the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry spokesman Anar Eyvazov for their work during the Second Karabakh War.

The awards acknowledged their reporting highlighting the activities of the Azerbaijani army during 44 days of intense clashes in the fall of 2020.

*Writing by Burc Eruygur in Istanbul

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