Baghdad, Anbar racked by mounting violence

Baghdad, Anbar racked by mounting violence

Uptick in violence coincides with week-old army campaign to retake Fallujah from Daesh

By Suleiman al-Qubeisi, Ibrahim Saleh and Khidir Khallat

BAGHDAD (AA) – Ten people, including a police officer, were killed in a spate of attacks in Iraqi capital Baghdad, a local police official has said on Wednesday.

Police Brigadier-General Mumin al-Badri told Anadolu Agency that a sniper had targeted a police checkpoint, killing one officer and injuring two others in Baghdad’s southern Al-Doura district on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, nine other people were killed and 27 injured by five bombs that went off in the capital’s Al-Habibiyyah, Al-Zafraniya, Al-Tobji, Al- Yusufiyah and Al-Rashdiya districts, according to local security sources.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the bombings.

In a related development in Iraq’s western Anbar province, members of the Daesh terrorist group executed an army officer and four soldiers after capturing them in clashes now taking place in the city of Fallujah, local police official Ahmed al-Delimi told Anadolu Agency.

Despite recent assertions by Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi that Iraqi forces were making headway in Daesh-held Fallujah, the Iraqi army and its allies have continued to take casualties, according to security sources taking part in the campaign.

Ongoing operations to retake Fallujah, which officially began on May 22, are relying mainly on Iraqi army troops, counter-terrorism forces, federal police units, the Hashd al-Shaabi (an umbrella of Iraqi Shia militias) and armed tribesmen.

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