Bahrain summons Swedish envoy to protest desecration of Quran

Bahrain summons Swedish envoy to protest desecration of Quran

Bahrain strongly condemns repeated practices that incite Muslims' emotions and demanded that measures to be taken to prohibit such acts

By Mahmoud Barakat

ANKARA (AA) – Bahrain has summoned a Swedish charge d'affaires over the desecration and burning of a copy of the Holy Quran in Stockholm.

The official Bahrain News Agency reported late Tuesday that Chief of European Affairs Ambassador Ahmed Ebrahim Al Qarainees handed an official note to Swedish Charge d’Affaires Britta Liszt Ann Lindahl.

The note expressed Bahrain’s “protest against the Swedish authorities which allowed extremists to burn and desecrate copies of the Holy Quran under the protection of the police in the center of Stockholm.”

Bahrain strongly condemned the repeated practices that incite Muslims' emotions and demanded that measures should be taken to prohibit such acts.

Earlier this week, Salwan Momika, a 37-year-old Iraqi refugee living in Sweden trampled the Quran, just weeks after he set fire to pages of the holy book outside a Stockholm mosque.

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