Beijing willing to promote China-Peru relations to new level: Chinese president

Beijing willing to promote China-Peru relations to new level: Chinese president

President Xi Jinping hosts Peruvian counterpart Dina Boluarte in Beijing

By Anadolu staff

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday said his country was willing to "promote" China-Peru comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level.

During his meeting with Peruvian counterpart Dina Boluarte in Beijing, Xi also offered support to Peru in hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders' meeting, Hua Chunying, vice minister of foreign affairs and spokesperson, posted on X in Spanish.

"The two countries are equally ancient civilizations. Faced with world changes unprecedented in a century, the two countries must use civilizational wisdom to make new contributions to the cause of peace and the development of humanity, Hua quoted Xi as saying.

Recently, the Congress of Peru approved a bill that declares Feb. 1 each year as the Day of Chinese-Peruvian fraternity and Xi said it fully revealed the friendship and affection that the Peruvian people have toward the Chinese people.

*Writing by Islamuddin Sajid

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