Bosnian students send toys to earthquake victims in Türkiye, Syria

Bosnian students send toys to earthquake victims in Türkiye, Syria

Primary school students stage play collect aid for peers

By Talha Ozturk

BELGRADE, Serbia (AA) - Students from a primary school in a village in Bosnia and Herzegovina collected toys to send to children affected by earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria.

Students from the Abdulvehab Ilhamija Primary School in Zeljezno Polje, along with their teachers and parents, packaged the gifts and staged a play in honor of the victims of two powerful earthquakes that struck southern Türkiye on Feb. 6.

And in neighboring Montenegro, about $100,000 in cash was collected by the Association of Pensioners for victims.

Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Western Balkan countries have launched aid projects and donation drives to help quake victims.

At least 50,096 people were killed in the earthquakes, according to official figures.

The quakes also killed 6,000 people in Syria, according to the UN.

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