Burundian, Indian ambassadors visit Anadolu's Ankara HQ

Burundian, Indian ambassadors visit Anadolu's Ankara HQ

The two ambassadors discuss possible cooperation between the agency and foreign media outlets

ANKARA (AA) – The Burundian and Indian ambassadors to Ankara, Joel Nkurabagaya and Rahul Kulshreshth, visited Anadolu Agency headquarters in Ankara on Wednesday.

The ambassadors were welcomed by the agency’s Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Director General Metin Mutanoglu and Foreign Languages Editor-in-Chief Mehmet Ozturk.

In separate meetings, Mutanoglu told Nkurabagaya about the agency’s efforts to expand its network across Africa. He also spoke of the agency’s News Academy, which provides journalism training to both Turks and foreigners and could also provide training to Burundi nationals.

The Burundian ambassador said his country’s delegation will attend next week’s World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul.

He also said his country hopes to see more investment from Turkey, adding, “There are many investment opportunities in our country. It is time to develop our economy and partnership.”

Mutanoglu told the Indian ambassador about the agency’s international network and mechanisms.

Mutanoglu said the agency’s main objective is to be neutral and fair in disseminating the news, and that for this reason the agency has a presence in many parts of the world. “When Anadolu Agency sends a reporter to any country, it considers Turkey’s political, cultural, and economic relations with that country as well," he said.

Stressing the importance of India, Mutanoglu said the agency is becoming more active in India and the south Asia and Asia Pacific region every day, opening more offices and sending more reporters to the region.

Kulshreshth said that the international media is dominated by Western powers, praising Anadolu Agency’s presence in the Asia Pacific, Africa, and Middle East.

The Indian ambassador also invited Turkish journalists to his country to take a training program in many fields ranging from science to defense.

Possibilities of cooperation between Burundi media organizations and the Press Trust of India (PTI) with the agency were also discussed.

Kaynak:Source of News

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