Cambodia's new parliament holds 1st session ahead of premier vote

Cambodia's new parliament holds 1st session ahead of premier vote

High-ranking officials, diplomats, NGO representatives attend inaugural session presided by king

By Necva Tastan

ISTANBUL (AA) – Ahead of voting for a new prime minister, the opening session of Cambodia's 7th legislature's National Assembly convened on Monday to decide the legitimacy of each member's mandate and endorse the internal rules of the 7th legislative session.

The session was presided by Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni, the daily Khmer Times reported.

The king ordered all elected MPs, including 120 from the Cambodian People's Party and five from the National United Front for an Independent, Neutral, Peaceful, and Cooperative Cambodia (FUNCINPEC), to attend the session on the first day.

Later in the day, confirmed lawmakers will swear in at the Royal Palace.

High-ranking officials, Cambodian diplomats, and NGO representatives attended the inaugural session.

Earlier this month, the king appointed Hun Manet as the new prime minister of the Southeast Asian nation.

Manet was appointed prime minister through a royal decree which authorizes him to organize the Council of Ministers.

Manet, the eldest son of Hun Sen, led the election campaign of the Cambodian ruling party, the People’s Party, which won 121 seats in the 125-seated parliament.

Cambodia held general elections on July 23, for the National Assembly members.

The country will choose its prime minister on Aug. 22.

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