Canada appoints new ambassador to Ukraine

Canada appoints new ambassador to Ukraine

Foreign minister names Natalka Cmoc as replacing Larisa Galadza

By Firdevs Bulut Kartal

TORONTO (AA) - Canada appointed a new ambassador to Ukraine on Thursday, according to a statement by its Foreign Affairs Ministry.

Foreign Minister Melanie Joly appointed Natalka Cmoc to the post, replacing Larisa Galadza.

"Canada’s response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine builds on our deep connection to the Ukrainian people and understanding of Ukraine. This critical relationship can only be made possible through diplomatic engagement on the ground and working side by side with our friends and allies," it said.

It said Cmoc’s appointment reflects Canada’s commitment to the important relationship and reiterated Canada's ties with Ukraine are ironclad.

Cmoc "is a career expert on Ukraine with a wealth of experience and insight into Canada’s multi-faceted support to the country, including Canada’s implementation of democracy programming prior to the illegal Russian annexation of Crimea, the creation of Operation UNIFIER and Canadian monitoring of Ukrainian elections following the 2015 Presidential campaign," it said.

Cmoc, a native Ukrainian speaker, has deep connections to the Ukrainian community in Canada and Ukraine, it said.

The appointment coincides with Ukraine’s Independence Day, on which Canada "extends its best wishes to the people of Ukraine and to those in Ukrainian communities worldwide on the 32nd anniversary of their country’s independence," according to a congratulatory statement.

Canada became the first Western country to recognize Ukraine’s independence on Dec. 2, 1991, and both countries have since enjoyed a close relationship.

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