Chad’s opposition leader dies in clashes with security forces: Public prosecutor

Chad’s opposition leader dies in clashes with security forces: Public prosecutor

Yaya Dillo died from injuries sustained during assault at headquarters of his Socialist Party Without Borders, according to public prosecutor

By Anadolu staff

KIGALI, Rwanda (AA) - Chad’s opposition leader Yaya Dillo was killed in clashes with security forces in the capital N'Djamena, a public prosecutor said on Thursday.

Dillo headed the Socialist Party Without Borders, which the government accused of attacking the National State Security Agency.

Oumar Kedelaye, the public prosecutor at the High Court of N'Djamena, told a press briefing that Dillo “died from injuries sustained during the assault on Wednesday, at the headquarters of his party.”

The opposition leader and his supporters had reportedly taken refuge in their party’s headquarters in the Bololo district of N'Djamena, when security forces besieged the place.

Reports said Dillo intended to challenge Chad’s transition President Mahamat Idriss Deby in the presidential election scheduled for May 6, marking a transition to civilian rule.

The attack on Chad's National State Security Agency claimed several lives in the capital N'Djamena on Wednesday, the country's government announced.

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