Charles III proclaimed king in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

Charles III proclaimed king in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

Thousands attend ceremonies in Edinburgh, Cardiff, Hillsborough

By Karim El-Bar

LONDON (AA) – Charles III was proclaimed king in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland on Sunday.

In Scotland, the Lord Lyon King of Arms read the proclamation at Mercat Cross in the capital Edinburgh.

Over in Wales, it was read in English and Welsh at Cardiff Castle by Tom Lloyd, the Wales herald of arms extraordinary, and Morfudd Meredith, the lord-lieutenant of South Glamorgan.

In Northern Ireland, the Norroy and Ulster King of Arms Robert Noel read the proclamation at Hillsborough Castle.

Thousands attended the respective ceremonies, which also saw gun salutes by the British military and renditions of the national anthem.

Queen Elizabeth II, Charles’ mother and the UK’s longest-serving monarch, died on Thursday at the age of 96 after 70 years on the throne.

Charles was officially proclaimed king at the Accession Council in London’s St James’s Palace on Saturday.

Elizabeth’s coffin is being moved on Sunday from Balmoral Castle, where she died, to Edinburgh, in a journey expected to take about six hours.

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