China calls for increased institutional dialogue with EU

China calls for increased institutional dialogue with EU

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi speaks by phone with EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell

BEIJING (AA) - China’s foreign minister held a phone call Sunday with the European Union’s foreign policy chief.

During his conversation with Josep Borrell, Wang Yi called for increased institutional dialogue to give a new impetus to the development of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and the EU.

Saying that the EU wants to develop and maintain good relations with China, Borrell emphasized that the EU's Global Gateway strategy and China's Belt and Road Initiative are not in opposition to each other but complementary and aim to promote global development.

Borrell noted that he is looking forward to making his visit to China, which has been postponed twice before, and wishes to initiate a strategic dialogue between the parties as soon as possible in preparation for a China-EU leaders' summit to be held this year.

Borrell postponed a visit to Beijing in April due to a COVID-19 infection and a visit planned at the beginning of July was canceled by China.

The cancellation is thought to have been caused by the dismissal of Foreign Affairs Minister Qin Gang, who had not been seen in public for more than a month.

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