China launches another communication satellite into space

China launches another communication satellite into space

ChinaSat-3A, a communication and broadcasting satellite, placed into planned orbit, according to state-run broadcaster CGTN

By Faruk Zorlu

China successfully launched the ChinaSat-3A satellite into space on Saturday, utilizing a modified Long March-7 carrier rocket from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on the island of Hainan in China.

The ChinaSat-3A, a communication and broadcasting satellite, was placed into its planned orbit during the mission, according to state-run broadcaster CGTN.

Designed to enhance voice, data, radio, and television transmission services, the satellite represents China's growing ambitions in space.

The launch of ChinaSat-3A marked the 526th mission for the Long March series of carrier rockets, the report said.

Kaynak:Source of News

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