China says ban on TikTok raises questions on EU business environment

China says ban on TikTok raises questions on EU business environment

EU asked its officials to remove Chinese social media app as several Western nations raised 'security concerns'

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) – Reacting to the European Union’s ban on the popular social media platform TikTok, China on Wednesday urged the EU to “provide a non-discriminatory business environment for companies of all countries.”

“EU’s ban on TikTok from staff devices undermines international community’s confidence in the EU’s business environment,” state media quoted Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning as telling a news conference in Beijing on Wednesday.

The European Commission last Thursday asked its officials to remove the Chinese social media app TikTok from their devices due to “security concerns.”

It said it will suspend the use of the TikTok application on its corporate devices and personal ones linked to the institution’s system.

In practical terms, employees will have to remove the short video-sharing app from their devices used for work.

“The EU should respect market rules and stop generalizing the concept of national security, and should provide an environment of fair play for foreign companies,” Mao added.

Several Western nations have raised alleged security concerns over the use of the Chinese social media application.

Canada has also banned TikTok from all government devices Monday for alleged security reasons.

“It could be the start of a further crackdown,” the country’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said while lawmakers in Denmark were “strongly urged” to uninstall the TikTok app from their work devices – cellphones, tablets, and computers – “over security concerns.”

The US has also said it is taking "every step" to protect Americans' data.

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