China says measures being taken to safeguard institutions, citizens after explosion near consulate in Ukraine

China says measures being taken to safeguard institutions, citizens after explosion near consulate in Ukraine

Blast near consulate in Ukraine’s Odesa ‘shook off parts of wall surface, windowpanes,’ says Chinese Foreign Ministry

By Alperen Aktas

ISTANBUL (AA) - China will take measures to safeguard its institutions and citizens after an explosion occurred near its consulate in Ukraine on Thursday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said.

“The blast wave shook off parts of the wall surface and windowpanes,” said a ministry statement on Thursday.

“The consulate staff had long left the premises and no one was hurt,” the statement said, adding that China was “closely following the developments and staying in touch with the parties concerned.”

“We will take all measures necessary to keep Chinese institutions and nationals safe in Ukraine,” it added.

At least four people were killed and 27 were injured in Russian forces strikes in southern Ukraine's Odesa city and Mykolaiv region.

In a statement on Telegram, Oleh Kiper, the Odesa governor, said: “Unfortunately, as a result of the night Russian attack, one person was killed in Odesa. The deceased was a civil building security guard, born in 2002. Sincere condolences to family and friends.”

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