China’s last railways minister indicted in $7.9M corruption case

China’s last railways minister indicted in $7.9M corruption case

Sheng Guangzu, 74, stands trial on bribery charges in northwestern Shaanxi province

By Anadolu staff

ISTANBUL (AA) – China’s last railways minister was indicted in a multi-million-dollar corruption case on Thursday.

Sheng Guangzu, 74, stood trial at the Intermediate People's Court of Baoji in northwestern Shaanxi province, Beijing-based Global Times reported.

The septuagenarian was charged with bribery while his property was valued at 56.7 million yuan ($7.9 million) by “taking advantage of his position and abusing official power.”

He was expelled by the Communist Party of China last year for alleged abuse of official power.

Sheng is China’s last minister for railways before the ministry was changed to China Railway Corporation (CRC) and then finally to China State Railway Group.

After the ministry was abolished, Sheng served as general manager of CRC between 2013 and 2016.

Last month, China’s former banking regulator Cai Eshang faced a trial in a multi-million-dollar bribery case in eastern Jiangsu province.

Cai was arrested in 2022 on suspicion of taking bribes of more than 500 million yuan ($69.8 million) and abusing official power.

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