Colombia: Bombing kills at least 5 police officers

Colombia: Bombing kills at least 5 police officers

Attack on police station in northern coastal city of Barranquilla ‘will not go unpunished’, says Colombian President

By Lokman İlhan

BOGOTA (AA) - At least five police officers were killed, and 41 people, including 16 police officers injured by a bombing attack that targeted a police station in the northern coastal city of Barranquilla on Saturday.

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, who visited the injured police officers at the Campbell hospital, said that the attack ‘will not go unpunished’.

“This treacherous and cowardly attack will not go unpunished. Terrorism will not be able to make us buckle under,” Santos said speaking to journalists at the hospital.

The Colombian President said that an additional 500 police officers were assigned to Barranquilla to increase security measures in the city.

Santos, described the attack as a terrorist act, without giving any further comments on perpetrators behind the attack.

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