Colombian beekeepers get ready to confront impacts of El Nino

Colombian beekeepers get ready to confront impacts of El Nino

Relocating bees to areas with accessible water sources and sufficient flowers, beekeepers aim to safeguard honey collection

By Yair Suarez

CHAGUANI, Colombia (AA) - In response to the anticipated droughts caused by the El Nino atmospheric phenomenon, beekeepers at the Chaguani municipality in Colombia's Department of Cundinamarca are relocating bees to areas with accessible water sources and sufficient flowers.

This proactive measure aims to safeguard the honey collection, which is expected to be significantly impacted by the scarcity of water and flowers.

The El Nino phenomenon refers to a warming of the ocean surface, or above-average sea surface temperatures, in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.

Seven years ago, a notably intense El Nino event developed in the Pacific, causing a series of dangerous changes in global weather patterns.

With El Nino making a return this year, experts fear it will be another strong one, raising concerns about extreme weather in the coming months.

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