Croatian wildfire under control, but smoke still emits from western parts

Croatian wildfire under control, but smoke still emits from western parts

'Citizens are not evacuated, and firefighters did their best to keep the settlements safe,' says Croatian Fire Brigade Association

By Talha Ozturk

BELGRADE, Serbia (AA) – About 130 Croatian firefighters and two planes continued to battle wildfires in the Plat region near the popular tourist destination of Dubrovnik on Wednesday, with the situation currently under control.

The Croatian Fire Brigade Association (HVZ) said firefighters are still doing their efforts to put out wildfires in the country's west, where smoke is still rising from some areas.

"There are enough firefighters in the field, so bringing in additional forces from other regions is unnecessary. Citizens are not evacuated, and firefighters did their best to keep the settlements safe," said the association in a statement.

Meanwhile, HVZ Dubrovnik Chief Stjepan Simovic said the fire has spread to neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina.

"Our teams met with teams from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina is better, but we never know when the fire will spread," said Simovic.

He said the firemen will be in the area all day and that they are hoping for less windy weather so that the fire does not spread any further.

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