Current issues facing media discussed at Global Media Forum in Azerbaijan

Current issues facing media discussed at Global Media Forum in Azerbaijan

Participants discuss advantages, dangers of artificial intelligence in news production at event held in city of Shusha

By Ruslan Rehimov

SUSHA, Azerbaijan (AA) — Current problems facing the media and possible solutions were discussed Saturday at the Shusha Global Media Forum in Azerbaijan.

The three-day forum, held in the southwestern city of Shusha under the title "New Media in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era," continued on its second day with over 250 participants from 50 countries.

Challenges posed by new trends in journalism and problems faced by traditional media were on the agenda for participants, who also discussed the advantages and dangers of artificial intelligence in news production.

Hikmet Hajiyev, an Azerbaijani presidential aide, marked the 148th anniversary of the Azerbaijan press and voiced his congratulations to all journalists.

Underlining the importance of data-based, fast, accurate, and concise information, he said social media put pressure on traditional media.

The participants were also introduced to Azerbaijani culture during the event, with Hajiyev giving tem information about Shusha's unique architectural style.

The city was declared this year's Cultural Capital of the Turkic World, and national and cultural heritage of the Azerbaijani people.

Located in the Karabakh region, Shusha was liberated from 28 years of Armenian occupation in 2020.

*Writing by Gozde Bayar

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