Danish ultranationalists continue to desecrate Quran for 4th straight day

Danish ultranationalists continue to desecrate Quran for 4th straight day

Danske Patrioter members burn Quran in front of Turkish Embassy in Copenhagen

By Muhammet Ikbal Arslan

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AA) - Members of the ultranationalist group, Danske Patrioter, or Danish Patriots, continued Thursday to desecrate Islam’s holy book, for a fourth start day in Copenhagen.

The group burned the Quran in front of the Turkish, Iraqi, Egyptian, Saudi Arabian and Iranian embassies under the protection of police as it chanted slogans against Islam and unfurled anti-Islamic banners.

Members live-streamed the extreme Islamophobic incident on social media.

Facebook restricted access to some videos of the group.

Recent months have seen repeated acts of Quran copy burning or desecration or attempts to do so by Islamophobic figures or groups, especially in northern European and Nordic countries.

As 57 Muslim discuss how to stop the burning of the Quran in the West, "it seems we will have to burn the Quran even more," according to the group's social media account, referring to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's (OIC) online meeting Monday to discuss the recent attacks.

Denmark noted the latest declarations Monday by the OIC following a string of public desecrations of the Quran, saying it will continue close dialogue with the group’s member states.

“Denmark has condemned the recent Quran burnings and is exploring the possibility of intervening in special situations within Danish freedom of expression,” Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen tweeted Tuesday.

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