Death toll from landslide in Georgia rises to 20

Death toll from landslide in Georgia rises to 20

Out of 33 missing people, 20 found dead after landslide at Shovi resort, authorities say

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) – Death toll from a landslide which hit Georgia last week rose to 20, authorities said on Wednesday.

"According to the latest information, as a result of the natural disaster, 33 people are considered missing, of which, according to the data updated this morning, the bodies of 20 people were found," Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili told a news conference in the capital Tbilisi.

A large-scale landslide hit the Shovi resort, a popular tourist site, on Aug. 3. It inflicted damage to bridges, roads, tourist cottages, and the Sunset Shovi Hotel.

Officials said the landslide was triggered by heavy rainfall, aggravated by erosion in the area.

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