Denmark considering measures against cultural, religious-based attacks

Denmark considering measures against cultural, religious-based attacks

Quran burnings have dimensions aimed at provoking and causing harm to Denmark and other nations, says Danish government

By Sumeyye Dilara Dincer

ANKARA (AA) - Denmark is considering measures against cultural and religious-based attacks following recent Quran burnings which have been condemned by many nations and will be discussed at a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Monday.

The Quran burnings in the country have dimensions aimed at provoking and causing harm to Denmark and other nations, the Danish government said in a statement.

It added that 15 countries had condemned Denmark due to the Quran burnings, which it described as "extremely aggressive and reckless" and not representative of Danish society.

Denmark will explore the possibility of intervening in situations where other countries, cultures and religions are demeaned to prevent negative consequences for its security, it said.

Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen also made assessments regarding provocations involving the desecration of sacred books in the country in an interview with the TV 2 channel.

Rasmussen said the Danish government is exploring ways to intervene in situations where cultures and religions are demeaned in the country and such actions could negatively impact security.

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan had a phone conversation with Minister Rasmussen on July 29 regarding the ongoing Quran burnings in Denmark.

During the call, Fidan reiterated his condemnation of the continuous and escalating attacks on the Muslim holy book.

He emphasized that Islamophobia in Europe has reached an alarming level, even turning into an epidemic, and allowing such actions under the guise of freedom of expression is unacceptable.

Fidan also urged the Danish government "to take immediate action to prevent these attacks."

*Writing by Necva Tastan

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