DeSantis replaces campaign manager to revive US presidential campaign

DeSantis replaces campaign manager to revive US presidential campaign

Move comes as polls show Trump leading rivals in race for Republican presidential nomination

By Iclal Turan

WASHINGTON (AA) - Ron DeSantis, the governor from the US state of Florida, who is seeking the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, has replaced his campaign manager, according to reports citing his presidential team.

DeSantis’s gubernatorial chief of staff James Uthmeier has replaced Generra Peck as the operation’s manager, the Hill reported citing his team.

Peck, meanwhile, will become the campaign’s chief strategist, according to the Washington Post.

“James Uthmeier has been one of Governor DeSantis’ top advisors for years and he is needed where it matters most: working hand in hand with Generra Peck and the rest of the team to put the governor in the best possible position to win this primary and defeat Joe Biden,” Andrew Romeo, DeSantis’s communications director, was quoted by the Hill.

The move comes as a poll released last week showed former US President Donald Trump leading his Republican rivals 37% ahead of his closest competitor for the 2024 presidential nomination.

The New York Times/Siena College poll found that 54% of likely Republican voters support the former president, granting him a wide lead against all Republican challengers.

DeSantis, who came in second, trailed by a wide margin with just 17% of respondents saying they would cast their ballots for him.

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