Devastating floods leave 4 people missing in Canadian province

Devastating floods leave 4 people missing in Canadian province

2 children, a youth and man are missing in West Hants area of Nova Scotia province

By Firdevs Bulut Kartal

TORONTO (AA) - Canadian province of Nova Scotia is facing the aftermath of destructive flooding that occurred over the weekend, leaving four individuals, including two children and a youth, still missing, according to reports on Monday.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) found a pickup truck carrying the two children in the West Hants area, but the children were not inside the vehicle, raising concerns about their safety and well-being.

Simultaneously, a separate search is underway for an adult man and a young person whose vehicle also got submerged in the floods in the same region.

The situation in Nova Scotia has been dire, with widespread severe flooding and road closures caused by heavy rainfall that began overnight on Friday and continued into Saturday.

In response to the devastating impact of the floods, a state of emergency was declared across the province late on Saturday.

The areas that are most severely affected include West Hants, East Hants, Halifax Regional Municipality, Lunenburg County, and Queens County.

The federal government of Canada has confirmed its commitment to offer financial assistance to the province of Nova Scotia.

"This evening, I approved a Request for Federal Assistance from Nova Scotia for continued support as communities across the province recover," said Bill Blair, Minister of Emergency Preparedness.

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