Dozens feared trapped as 21-story building collapses in Lagos, Nigeria

Dozens feared trapped as 21-story building collapses in Lagos, Nigeria

2 people rescued alive; we are on the ground, mobilizing resources: Emergency official

By Olarewaju Kola

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AA) - Over a dozen of people are feared to be trapped after a 21-story building collapsed in Lagos, Nigeria on Monday, an official confirmed.

Ibrahim Farinloye, a spokesman for the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), told journalists the under-construction building is located in the affluent Ikoyi neighborhood.

"Two people have been rescued alive. We are on the ground and mobilizing resources," he said. It was not immediately clear how many people were in the building when it fell.

Residents of the area told Anadolu Agency that workers engaged in the construction were among those trapped.

Such incidents are relatively common in Lagos, Nigeria's commercial hub with a population of around 20 million people.

At least 20 people died after a three-story building housing a school collapsed in Lagos in March 2019.

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