Dozens of Rohingya missing after boat capsizes off Myanmar

Dozens of Rohingya missing after boat capsizes off Myanmar

At least 2 bodies recovered, 45 reportedly missing when boat en route to Malaysia sank off western Rakhine state

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) - At least two bodies were recovered after a boat carrying dozens of Rohingya passengers capsized off Myanmar early this week, according to a report on Thursday.

At least 45 others remain missing, the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) news outlet reported, quoting junta-run media in Myanmar.

The boat sank off the township of Sittwe, located in the western coastal state of Rakhine.

Around 55 Rohingya had left Rathedaung township last Sunday.

"They were en route to Malaysia when a powerful wave engulfed their boat, causing it to sink. The remains of two women were recovered, but the fate of the other 45 remains unknown," a local administrator said.

The report added that eight survivors were arrested and are being held at a local police station in Sittwe.

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