Driverless taxi ‘Cruise’ takes to the streets of San Francisco

Driverless taxi ‘Cruise’ takes to the streets of San Francisco

Cruise app is seen as 1st step toward wider commercial deployment of long-promised autonomous alternative to ride-hailing services like Uber or Lyft

By Tayfun Coskun

SAN FRANCISCO (AA) – Cruise, a self-driving car company owned by General Motors, has launched around 240 robot taxi services in the US city of San Francisco, California.

The app is seen as a first step toward the wider commercial deployment of a long-promised autonomous alternative to ride-hailing services like Uber or Lyft.

For now, driverless transportation is only available to the public at night and in certain parts of the city, but it is planned to become more widespread throughout San Francisco in the future.

The driverless robot taxi 'Cruise' was seen on the road in San Francisco in the evening.

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