Egypt formally registers Brotherhood ‘terror’ listing

Egypt formally registers Brotherhood ‘terror’ listing

Brotherhood spokesman decries move, saying group rejects use of violence and strives for ‘peaceful revolution’

By Meryem Kasim and Aydogan Kalabalik

CAIRO (AA) – A court ruling officially designating Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood group as a "terrorist organization" was published in Egypt's official gazette on Sunday.

On April 14, a Cairo criminal court ruled that the Muslim Brotherhood -- along with 215 individuals -- should be included on the country’s list of "terrorists" for a three-year period.

"We plan to appeal the decision at a higher court," Abdel-Moneim Abdel-Maqsoud, head of the Brotherhood’s legal defense team, told Anadolu Agency.

The Egyptian government first designated the Brotherhood a "terrorist organization" in December of 2013, six months after Mohamed Morsi -- the country’s first democratically elected president and a Brotherhood leader -- was ousted and imprisoned in a military coup.

The embattled Brotherhood rejected the decision at the time, saying it was devoted to strictly peaceful means of protest.

In line with a law issued by President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi (a former army chief who succeeded Morsi as president) in February of last year, Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie and 17 other high-ranking group members were included on the list -- a move later appealed in court.

Since Morsi’s ouster in mid-2013, the Egyptian authorities have launched a relentless crackdown on his supporters and members of his now-outlawed Brotherhood group, killing hundreds and throwing tens of thousands behind bars.

In a statement posted online, Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Talaat Fahmi reiterated the group’s "rejection" of the terrorist listing.

"The truth cannot be altered by these vicious [court] decisions," Fahmi declared.

"The Muslim Brotherhood is struggling for a cause," he said. "We reject the use of violence and strive for a peaceful revolution."

*Anadolu Agency correspondent Sibel Ugurlu contributed to this report from Ankara

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