Egyptian, Jordanian, Palestinian leaders to discuss regional issues at tripartite summit

Egyptian, Jordanian, Palestinian leaders to discuss regional issues at tripartite summit

Summit to be held in Egyptian coastal city of El Alamein on Sunday

By Mohammed Ghifari and Gulsen Topcu

RAMALLAH (AA) – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, and Jordanian King Abdullah II will meet on Sunday to discuss regional and international issues.

Palestinian Ambassador to Egypt Diab Allouh said in a statement the leaders will discuss regional, international, and Arab world issues and determine a common position.

The tripartite summit will be held in the Egyptian coastal city of El Alamein.

The leaders will also discuss the latest developments in Palestine, as well as the gaining international support for Palestinians’ right to freedom, independence, and establishing their own state.

The leaders of Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine met in Cairo on Jan. 17 as part of the summit held for the same purpose.

*Writing by Gozde Bayar

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