Elon Musk plays Diablo IV to test video game streaming on X

Elon Musk plays Diablo IV to test video game streaming on X

Musk plans to turn X into all-in-one app, including payment, food ordering, ride-hailing, similar to Chinese Tencent's WeChat

By Ovunc Kutlu

ISTANBUL (AA) - Billionaire Elon Musk on Tuesday played the popular video game Diablo IV on X to test the streaming capabilities of the social media platform he acquired last year.

Musk streamed himself Monday playing Blizzard’s role-playing game and wrote: "Tested the X video game streamer system last night. It works! Will try to complete a Tier 100 Nightmare dungeon tonight live on this platform."

"How to stream games or anything you’d like on X! I will be streaming myself playing video games from time to time. Kids, friends & video games are how I spend my non-work waking hours. Sometimes, you can combine all three," he wrote Sept. 30.

X Media Engineering Lead Mark Kalman released a walkthrough video on X about how livestreaming works through the platform's Media Studio for premium subscribers.

Musk previously unveiled plans to turn X into an all-in-one app that may include additional services, such as payment, food ordering and ride-hailing, similar to Chinese Tencent's WeChat.

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