Erdogan's Former Minister visited Knowledge Academy

Erdogan's Former Minister visited Knowledge Academy

Prof. Dr. Recep Akdag, the Former health minister, Mr. Burak Kararti, the Turkish Consul General of Boston United State and their guests have visited Knowledge Academy.

There are 11 schools owned by Muslims in Massachusetts State (MA), which, as the intellectual heart of the USA, hosts many leading colleges of the world such as Harvard, MIT, TUFTS and Boston University.

Being the most recently established Islamic school in MA, Knowledge Academy (K.A.) was brought into service 4 years ago by Mrs. Oya Bozkurt, who is a well-experienced educator. With its almost 70 students enrolled, K.A offers education from Pre-K to the end of the senior high school

Being located only 25 min away from Boston, K.A. has a 50-car-parking lot, playground for kids as well as basketball courts and soccer pitches specially designated for primary, secondary and high school students.

K.A. is an approved school by the administration of the City of Middleton, and it offers Arabic, Spanish, Qur’an and Islamic courses in addition to official curriculum of MA State

K.A. high school students are much more advantageous as they have the opportunity to finish 2-year associate degree by taking courses from North Shore Community College located at their foot, beginning from their second year at high school.

Planning to provide boarding school facilities for both boys and girls very soon, K.A. also offers hot meals everyday as well as the possibility to perform Friday Prayer at school.

K.A. has entertained very special guests on the first day of this week

K.A. has given a breakfast in honor of Prof. Dr. Recep Akdag, MP from the Justice and Development Party (AKP), who performed the second longest term of office as the Minister of Health in the Turkish political history and who is now in MA due to his short-term visiting scholar assignment at Harvard University, Mr. Burak Kararti, the Turkish Consul General of Boston State, Mr. Alperen Kacar, the commercial attaché of Boston State, Mr. Tahsin Ozcan, Theology Professor at Marmara University, who is also a visiting scholar at Harvard University,  Mr. Mustafa Yatin, professor at Salem State University, Mr. Sefer Ozdemir, one of the successful Turkish businessmen in Boston and founding president of Turkbirdev, Mr. Gungor Atmaca, a businessman, Mr. Bekir Karaman, graduate student at Northestern University, Mrs. Figen Sastim, attorney,  Mr. Ibrahim Bilir, academic member of IBU, Mr. Kemal Bozkurt, the editor-in-Chief and other guests.

Prof. Dr. Recep Akdag, former Minister of Health of the Turkish Republic, who made a breakthrough in public health services in Turkey, has expressed his appreciation due to the fact that a US-born Turkish citizen has established such a distinguished educational institution. Mr. Burak Kararti, the Consul General of Boston State, has stated that his office deals with not only paperwork but also supporting the institutions established by Turkish citizens through regular visits. Mr. Alperen Kacar, the commercial attaché of Boston State, has stated that he was glad to participate in breakfast and his office was acting as a go-between at the disposal of Turkish citizens who would like to do business between Turkey and USA.

Mrs. Oya Bozkurt, the founder and head master of Knowledge Academy, has told that they awaited all young ones from Turkey for 2014-2015 school year, particularly those who would like to learn English in the native country. She has emphasized that K.A. was the modern counterpart of Religious High Schools in Turkey by recommending US-resident Turkish parents with children aged between 3 and 17 and high school students from Turkey not to be late for next year’s enrollment.

Mrs. Oya Bozkurt has also pointed out that MA state, which is one of the most advanced and prosperous states of USA, compensated for school expenses incurred by low-income families with children at the age of 3, 4 and 5 and therefore such families should have certainly benefited from voucher scheme

For more information about Knowledge Academy, you can visit

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