EU announces ban on export of drone parts to Iran

EU announces ban on export of drone parts to Iran

European Council lists 6 Iranian individuals under existing sanctions for Iran’s military activities

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - The European Council on Thursday adopted a new framework for restrictive measures against Iran, which includes a ban on exporting parts used in the construction and production of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) from the EU countries to Iran.

New measures came in response to Iran's military support to Syria and Russia's war against Ukraine, the Council said in a statement.

"It also provides for travel restrictions and asset freeze measures that could be imposed against persons responsible for, supporting or involved in Iran’s UAV’s programme," it added.

Meanwhile, the European Council noted that the bloc also decided to list six Iranian individuals under two already existing sanctions for Iran’s military support to Russia and Syrian regime.

"Designated individuals are subject to an asset freeze and EU citizens and companies are forbidden from making funds available to them," said the statement, adding they are also subject to travel restrictions, which prevent them from entering or transiting through EU territories.

EU also condemned the "delivery of Iranian drones to Russia" and their "deadly deployment" in the war against Ukraine.

Recalling that Council expressed concern last December on the reports related to "Iranian drones being manufactured with components of international origin including from Europe," it reiterated that the bloc would continue to respond to actions supporting Russia's war in Ukraine.

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