EU commissioner warns against weather, disaster risks

EU commissioner warns against weather, disaster risks

'We continue to monitor closely and stand ready to assist,' says Janez Lenarcic

By Nur Asena Erturk

ANKARA (AA) – The EU commissioner for crisis management on Friday warned countries against disaster risks associated with extreme temperature, saying the bloc stands "ready to assist."

"Disaster situation in Europe," tweeted Janez Lenarcic, who is also the in charge of European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations.

Serbia is on red alert for high temperatures and rain, while Slovenia is expecting heavy rain, he said.

The emergency response coordinator said there was also flood risk in Austria, Norway, Sweden, Hungary, Croatia, and Slovenia.

According to him, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Greek Cypriot administration of Southern Cyprus, Spain, Greece, France, Italy, Portugal, and Türkiye were under extreme danger of wildfires.

"We continue to monitor closely and stand ready to assist," Lenarcic said.

This summer, intense heat and devastating rainfall has impacted many countries.

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