EU evaluating corridors for export of Ukrainian grain

EU evaluating corridors for export of Ukrainian grain

Lithuania proposes grain be shipped via Baltic states, says EU spokesman

By Omer Tugrul Cam

BRUSSELS (AA) - The EU said Tuesday that it is evaluating all corridors for the export of grain produced by Ukraine to world markets after the suspension of a Black Sea grain deal.

EU Commission spokesman Adalbert Jahnz told reporters that the group received a letter from Lithuanian ministers in which there was a proposal to ship Ukrainian grain to the world from ports in Baltic countries.

Jahnz said the commission will soon respond to the letter and reminded noted there are lines called "solidarity roads," created from land outside the Black Sea for the EU's grain export.

Underlining that the solidarity paths are "important," he said the EU Commission is working to develop the lines.

"The Baltic corridor is also a very important line. We will work on that as well," he added.

The letter said the ports in the Baltic states could be an alternative and reliable way to ship Ukraine's grain products.

It noted that the ports in the Baltic countries could allow 25 million tons of grain per year to be sent to markets.

Russia suspended its participation in the Black Sea grain deal on July 17, citing that the Russian part of the agreement was not implemented. It sought the loosening of banking restrictions and the ability to ship its fertilizer before returning to the agreement.

The agreement, initially signed in July 2022 in Istanbul by Türkiye, the UN, Russia, and Ukraine, was aimed at resuming grain exports from Ukrainian ports halted because of the Russia-Ukraine war, which began in February of that year.

Türkiye has said Western countries should try to address Russia's complaints, and it hopes Russia returns to the deal.

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