European stock exchanges close with losses

European stock exchanges close with losses

Spain's IBEX performs worst, losing 0.8%

By Ovunc Kutlu

ISTANBUL (AA) - Stock exchanges in Europe closed Wednesday with losses.

The STOXX Europe 600, which includes around 90% of the market capitalization of the European market in 17 countries, fell 2.89 points, or 0.56%, to close at 514.81.

The UK's FTSE 100 shed 22 points, or 0.27%, to 8,225. Germany's DAX also trimmed 22 points, or 0.12%, to 18,155.

France's CAC 40, meanwhile, decreased 53 points, or 0.69%, to end the session at 7,609.

Italy's FTSE MIB declined 165 points, or 0.49%, to finish the day at 33,541.

Spain's IBEX 35 was the worst performer of the day, losing 88 points, or 0.8%, to close at 11,030.

Kaynak:Source of News

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