European stocks end Tuesday with gains

European stocks end Tuesday with gains

Spain's IBEX 35 rises 0.55%, Germany's DAX gains 0.66%

By Ovunc Kutlu

ISTANBUL (AA) – European stock exchanges ended Tuesday with gains.

The STOXX Europe 600, which includes around 90% of the market capitalization of the European markets in 17 countries, rose 3.04 points, or 0.68%, to finish at 451.70.

The UK's FTSE 100 added almost 13 points, or 0.18%, to end the session at 7,270, while Germany's DAX rose almost 102 points, or 0.66%, to 15,705.

Spain's IBEX 35 increased 51 points, or 0.55%, to 9,314. France's CAC 40, meanwhile, added 42 points, or 0.59%, to close at 7,240.

Italy's FTSE MIB added 178 points, or 0.64%, to end the day at 28,164.

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