Extreme weather events would have serious impact on birds' migration, warns Bulgarian expert

Extreme weather events would have serious impact on birds' migration, warns Bulgarian expert

Strong winds, high temperatures, sudden cold snaps, rain prevent birds from carrying out their flights, says Peter Yankov

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) – Extreme weather events caused by climate change would have a very serious impact on the migration of birds, a prominent Bulgarian expert warned.

Strong winds, high temperatures, sudden cold snaps, and rain prevent birds from carrying out their flights, said Peter Yankov of the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB).

He added that storks, pelicans, and birds of prey are affected the most by these weather events, Bulgarian state-run news agency BTA reported on Monday.

Noting that these birds fly passively, i.e., with fixed wings, using the warm air flows, he explained that recent strong winds on the Black Sea coast prevented the storks from flying south.

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