‘False sensationalism,’ China slams report over alleged arms supply to Russia

‘False sensationalism,’ China slams report over alleged arms supply to Russia

On Ukraine crisis, China has been committed to promoting reconciliation, dialogue, says Foreign Ministry

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) – China on Monday slammed what it called “false sensationalism and malicious smearing” following a media report which claimed Beijing was arming Russia with weaponry.

“China opposes the false sensationalism and malicious smearing,” said Wang Wenbin, spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry.

He was reacting to a report on Saturday by the UK-based daily The Telegraph which claimed “Russian firms have received tens of thousands of Chinese shipments since the war began” in February last year.

The report alleged China was arming Russia with helicopters, drones, optical sights, and crucial metals used by Moscow’s defense industry.

“On the Ukraine crisis, China has always been committed to promoting reconciliation and dialogue,” Wang told reporters, according to the Beijing-based daily Global Times.

“We will continue to play a constructive role in easing and cooling down the situation. Compared to certain countries that constantly fan the flames and add fuel to the fire, China's position is open and aboveboard,” said the spokesman.

Kaynak:Source of News

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