Far-right German party AfD wants to join government

Far-right German party AfD wants to join government

Party willing to collaborate with partners other than Greens, says co-chair Tino Chrupalla

COLOGNE (AA) - Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party wants to be part of the government, said party co-chair Tino Chrupalla.

Speaking to 600 delegates at the AfD congress in Magdeburg, the capital of the German state Saxony-Anhalt, Chrupalla said the party wants to be part of the federal government.

"We can take on the responsibility of the government. We are ready for more," he said.

Chrupalla also criticized other parties in the country for excluding them.

He said AfD is willing to collaborate with partners other than the Greens.

At the congress, members are expected to choose candidates for the European Parliament elections, which are set to take place next June.

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