Figurines dating back over 8,000 years representing man, woman, and child unearthed in Aegean Türkiye

Figurines dating back over 8,000 years representing man, woman, and child unearthed in Aegean Türkiye

Archaeologists discover figurines from around 5700 BC, shedding light on Anatolian prehistory

By Efsun Erbalaban

IZMIR (AA) - In Türkiye's Aegean province of Izmir, figurines dating back to around 5700 BC believed to represent a male-female pair and child have recently been unearthed, said the scientists responsible for the find.

Ozlem Cevik, an archaeologist at Trakya University in northwestern Türkiye who heads the dig team, told Anadolu that they have been continuing excavations at the Ulucak Mound in Izmir’s Kemalpasa district, which has a history dating back some 8,500 years.

Saying that they came across significant findings in this year's excavations, she explained that "the figurines were found in a space we thought was a storage area and are dated to around 5700 BC. They appear to be a female and male pair, with the female holding a baby in her lap."

She added: "Their hat-like headgear is quite different from the figurines found in Ulucak so far and has no known equivalents in Anatolia."

Cevik said the figurines were made of baked clay and clay materials.

*Writing by Alperen Aktas

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