Filipino president calls for strong defense capabilities to ‘safeguard territorial integrity’

Filipino president calls for strong defense capabilities to ‘safeguard territorial integrity’

Marcos urges armed forces ‘to work towards an Armed Force that is agile and prepared for any contingencies’

By Alperen Aktas

ISTANBUL (AA) – Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. Friday called for strong defense capabilities to safeguard territorial integrity of the archipelago nation.

“Along with our efforts to strengthen our external defense capabilities,” Marcos told the Armed Forces of the Philippines, “I ask you too to continue working with national government agencies and civilian stakeholders to form an archipelagic consciousness amongst Filipinos.”

“This will help champion our country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty,” Marcos said, addressing a change of command event at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City, according to a statement from the Presidential Communication Office on Twitter.

Marcos also called on the Southeast Asian nation’s armed forces “to work towards an Armed Force that is agile and prepared for any contingencies.”

The Filipino president’s comments came amid maritime disputes between Manila and Beijing in the South China Sea where their vessels often encounter each other.

The Philippines under Marcos has seen Manila’s relations grow with the US, China’s arch-rival in the region.

It has also granted approval to the US to expand its military presence in the archipelago nation.

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