Former French President Jacques Chirac's statue vandalized in Nice

Former French President Jacques Chirac's statue vandalized in Nice

Statue damaged 5th time since its inauguration in 2020

By Alaattin Dogru

Former French President Jacques Chirac's statue in the city of Nice was vandalized, local media reported Thursday.

The statue was damaged for the fifth time since its inauguration in 2020, Le Figaro reported.

Two fingers of the right hand were broken off by unidentified people.

The municipality filed a criminal complaint over the incident, said the report.

The statue was first targeted just five days after its inauguration with two fingers of the left hand broken off.

In 2021, anarchist slogans were spray-painted with red paint on the statue. Last November, the statue was targeted once again with unidentified people breaking two fingers off.

Chirac's statue was targeted a month later when some people spray-painted it with blue paint.

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