Former Turkish foreign minister receives Hungary's Order of Merit

Former Turkish foreign minister receives Hungary's Order of Merit

Award conferred to Mevlut Cavusoglu during ceremony in Budapest on behalf of President Katalin Novak

By Muhammet Tarhan

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AA) - Türkiye's former Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu received Hungary's Order of Merit medal Thursday in recognition of his work in strengthening bilateral relations.

The award was presented to Cavusoglu during a ceremony in the capital Budapest by Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto on behalf of President Katalin Novak.

Along with his contributions toward strengthening ties, Cavusoglu’s outstanding efforts for the peaceful resolution of regional conflicts were also mentioned for receiving the award.

Cavusoglu, who is now a member of Türkiye's Grand National Assembly and the head of the Turkish delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, also held talks with Szijjarto ahead of the ceremony.

The two reiterated the friendly ties between Türkiye and Hungary, while Cavusoglu also thanked Novak and Szijjarto.

Previously, Cavusoglu received Japan's Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun in 2019, Azerbaijan's Order of Friendship in 2020, Guinea Bissau's National Order of Merit in 2020, the Order of Merit of Ukraine in 2013 and 2020 and the Crescent of Pakistan in 2021.

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