France deploys armored vehicles as police fail to contain demonstrators

France deploys armored vehicles as police fail to contain demonstrators

Marseille mayor urges government to send additional troop reinforcements

By Alattin Dogru

ANKARA (AA) - France sent armored vehicles into the streets Friday as authorities failed to contain demonstrations which entered a fourth straight night that was sparked by the killing of a teen by police.

Armored vehicles were deployed to squares in regions and cities, including in the second city, Marseille, in the Woippy commune less than 20 miles from the Luxembourg border. And in the community of Nanterre on the northwestern outskirts of Paris.

In Toulouse, police arrested 19 people due to violence as an apartment building was set on fire.

Marseille Mayor Benoit Payan urged the government to send additional troop reinforcements. "Scenes of looting and violence are unacceptable," he said.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said 270 people have been arrested, with more than 80 of them in Marseille.

A 19-year-old male died Friday after he fell from the roof of a supermarket around 5 a.m. local time in northwestern France during protests, the France Bleu Normandie newspaper reported.

France has seen a wave of violent protests since a police officer shot dead Nahel M., 17, in the Paris suburb of Nanterre on June 27.

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