France Football Federation prohibits match interruptions to break Ramadan fast: Reports

France Football Federation prohibits match interruptions to break Ramadan fast: Reports

Federal Commission of Referees sent email to referees about to matter, says French media

By Selcuk Bugra Gokalp

ANKARA (AA) - The France Football Federation (FFF) prohibited match interruptions for Muslim players to eat during their observation of the fast of Ramadan, according to French media on Friday.

Reports claimed that the Federal Commission of Referees (CFA) sent an email to referees to remind them of the ban.

"These interruptions do not respect the provisions of the statutes of the FFF," said the email, according to reports.

Disciplinary and or criminal proceedings will be subjected to anyone violating the provisions, it added.

The English Premier League announced last week that players will be allowed to break their fast mid-match during the Muslim fasting month.

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