French journalist detained in Ethiopia released after 1 week

French journalist detained in Ethiopia released after 1 week

Indigo Publications confirms release of its employee, who was held in Addis Ababa

By Andrew Wasike

NAIROBI, Kenya (AA) - A French journalist has been released from detention in Ethiopia after being held for a week.

Indigo Publications, the publisher of Africa Intelligence and Antoine Galindo’s employer, confirmed his release Thursday.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), a global press freedom watchdog, welcomed the development.

"It is great news that Antoine Galindo has been released, as his unjust detention was a stark reminder of the dangers of practicing journalism in today’s Ethiopia,” said CPJ sub-Saharan Africa representative Muthoki Mumo.

“Ethiopian authorities must now release all journalists—eight others at least—who have suffered months of imprisonment under very difficult conditions and provide guarantees that international journalists will be allowed the access they need to report and will not face retaliation for doing their jobs.”

Galindo, who arrived in Ethiopia on Feb. 13 to cover the African Union summit and report on other developments in the country, was detained in the capital, Addis Ababa, by plainclothes security officers on Feb. 22 while on assignment.

He was held at the Addis Ababa Police Commission in Bole district.

Galindo faced allegations of "conspiracy to create chaos in Ethiopia," a charge that his supporters and colleagues denounced as unfounded.

He was brought before a judge on Feb 24, presumably to address these accusations.

Indigo Publications, known for its news websites focusing on specialized business sectors, expressed relief at Galindo's release.

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