Georgia's parliament approves new government under Irakli Kobakhidze

Georgia's parliament approves new government under Irakli Kobakhidze

84 deputies vote for, 10 against new government composition at plenary parliamentary session

By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) - Georgia's parliament on Thursday approved the country's new government under Irakli Kobakhidze, who was nominated prime minister by the ruling Georgian Dream party last week.

At a plenary session in the capital Tbilisi, the parliament expressed confidence in Kobakhidze and the composition of the government, with 84 deputies voting for and 10 against out of 105 lawmakers present.

The only change in government is observed at the country's Defense Ministry, with Irakli Chikovani replacing Juansher Burchuladze as Georgian Defense Minister.

Georgia’s ruling Georgian Dream party last Thursday nominated its chairman Kobakhidze for role of the prime minister.

The nomination came as former Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili announced his resignation from his post on Jan. 29, months before the country's parliamentary election in October. Garibashvili was later confirmed as the Georgian Dream party's new chairman.

Georgia's parliament approves new government under Irakli Kobakhidze

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