German citizen arrested on suspicion of spying for Russia

German citizen arrested on suspicion of spying for Russia

Suspect was an employee of government agency, responsible for equipping German army with modern weapon systems

By Anadolu staff

BERLIN (AA) - German authorities have arrested a government employee on suspicion of spying for Russia, prosecutors said on Wednesday.

The suspect, identified as Thomas H., was working for a government agency, responsible for equipping the German armed forces (Bundeswehr) with modern weapon systems, the Federal Prosecutor's Office said in a statement.

According to the investigations, the suspect contacted Russian diplomatic missions in German several times since May this year and passed on information he obtained while working as an employee at the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support.

The investigations were done in close cooperation with the Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) and the German domestic intelligence agency BfV, the prosecutors said.

Thomas H. was brought before an investigating judge at the Federal Court of Justice, who ordered his pre-trial detention, on Wednesday.

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