Germany calls for a diplomatic solution to Niger crisis

Germany calls for a diplomatic solution to Niger crisis

Berlin to send special envoy to summit of Western African leaders on Thursday, Foreign Ministry says

By Anadolu staff

BERLIN (AA) - Germany supports diplomatic efforts of West African leaders to find a peaceful resolution to Niger crisis, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Wednesday.

Speaking at a news conference in Berlin, Sebastian Fischer said Germany will send a special envoy to a meeting of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

“We welcome the fact that ECOWAS is continuing to exhaust all diplomatic options and is trying to find a solution in this way,” Fischer said.

“Christoph Retzlaff will travel to Abuja as our Foreign Minister’s special envoy, he will attend the ECOWAS summit tomorrow as an observer, and will also hold talks,” he said.

Fischer urged a return to the constitutional order in Niger and indicated that Germany will not recognize the appointment of Ali Mahamane Lamine Zeine as transitional prime minister.

“Niger has a constitution. This has clear rules on how a prime minister is appointed on the basis of democratic procedures,” he said.

“A government appointed by the military is certainly not one of them. Our demand is and remains a return to constitutional order,” he added.

Leaders of the regional bloc ECOWAS would meet on Thursday to discuss next steps after Niger's coup leaders, who took over on July 26, defied a deadline to reinstate Mohammed Bazoum, the country's ousted president.

ECOWAS has condemned the coup, imposed economic and travel sanctions and had also agreed on a possible military action plan if the detained leader was not released and reinstated.

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